How to keep your bins fresh in the summer heat

Posted on 11 August 2022

Keep your bin smelling fresh

Summer is on the way but with the heat and hot weather come horrible smells from your bin. Depending where your bin is positioned it can often be unbearable. Needing some assistance on how to combat this issue? Continue reading.

Why does hot weather make waste smell bad?

Heat and humidity makes waste decompose faster, especially in the case of organic waste or food. This allows bacteria to grow faster and for the smells to travel further.

This isn’t the only potential problem, as certain items fare better than others. Medical waste and chemicals can become toxic if left in sunlight, which risks endangering those in and around your business.


Tips for keeping your bins fresh in summer

Clean your bins after collections

Here’s an obvious one, but cleaning your bins regularly will stop them from creating a bad smell. There are companies that will do this for you if it gives you the ick factor but if you are willing to tackle the smell,  a sponge/scourer, washing up liquid will work fine. Soaps with a scent are better at keeping the flies away. Quick tip for getting rid of maggots? Use boiling water.

Use bin bags and clingfilm

After you’ve cleaned your bin and it’s smelling lovely try to keep it that way by using bin bags. An extra tip is to wrap your food waste in cling film before you throw it away. This makes far less mess up the inside of your newly clean and sweet smelling bins. Plus if a bin bag bursts, there’s an extra layer of protection. Clever eh?

Keep your bins closed

You bin lid stops sunlight and bugs from entering into your waste. Flies like to lay eggs on food waste in hot weather, which hatch into maggots. Definitely something you do not want to happen. Try to make sure it is fully closed at all times. If your bin is too full to close properly, contact your local authority to let them know.

Keep your bin out of direct sunlight

Keeping your bin in the shade for as long as possible helps to prevent your waste from decomposing. The sun will warm up your bin, which warms up your rubbish, which makes the smell worse and attracts flies and bugs.



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