15 things you can start to do on global population day
World Population Day is an annual event, observed every year on July 11th, which attempts to raise awareness of global population issues. One of the major issues is the depletion of the Earth’s natural resources.
Conserving the planet’s natural resources is a very complex topic, however here are 15 simple things we can do to start reducing the pressure we are putting on the Earths precious resources.
- Turn off appliances when not in use. Do not use standby mode
- Use energy efficient light bulbs
- Reduce your water use
- Get tech savvy with smart meters and smart heating systems
- Draft proof your home
- Walk short journeys
- Use a bike share program
- Use public transport
- Plan your car trips and car share
- Work from home when your job allows it
- Plan your meals. Only buy what you need
- Store food wisely to ensure a longer shelf life
- Freeze leftovers to be used in a later meal
- Compost food waste and use it in your garden
- Donate food that may end up wasted
At a time when we are experiencing a number of global environmental issues, it is important to think about what we are consuming. Small changes to everyday habits make a real difference to the environment and often come with cost savings too.
We can’t expect everyone to make all 15 changes, however if you just make one, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you are helping future generations.
Which change will you make this World Population Day?